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The purpose of the projection.

The requirement for a projection is so life changers can better understand your actual financial position and mortgage situation.

Determine attainable possibilities, goals, life-stage requirements and changing circumstances. life changers require this information to be able to give you the most accurate projection pertaining to your personal situation.

Projection and programme results are based on all information solely provided by the client. They do not reflect the actual results, as they are a guideline as to what is possible in your current situation. The projection is the guide 

into your future results and are accurate to your situation as it is at the time of being processed. They are not guarantees of future results. The more accurate the information you provide the more accurate the projection. 

No responsibility or liability will be taken in any form by life changers for incorrect information being supplied where this may affect the projection result. All information from the client/clients is deemed true and correct where life changers is concerned. This projection is hypothetical in nature and is intended to help you in making a decision on your financial future based on the information you have provided and reviewed.


Contract and Disclaimer:


The application form will be used for gathering client information to assist with the purpose of having a projection done.

Then if you decide to proceed with the life changers programme the projection is core and used in conjunction with the programme.

This information is not to be used for any other purpose other than what it has been intended for with the life changers projection and then the full programme. This documents is governed under the Intellectual Property and Copyright Law.

All information on the application is handled with the strictest of confidentiality. All information supplied is solely between the client/clients and life changers.This document must be signed by all parties concerned whom are legally authorized to do so and are over the age of 18. Any information to be disclosed to a third party must be signed by all applicants named in the application and life changers. This is to secure the confidentiality of the client's information.

I/We believe that all the information provided by me/us is complete and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge. Inaccurate representation from a client/client of any facts or assumptions used in this projection will invalidate the results. The projection can only be as accurate as information supplied. Please review the application form to ensure the information is correct the smallest change can have a dramatic outcome on the overall projection. I/We am fully aware the life changers projection is only that, and not the full life changers programme.

The Client application form once signed by one or all parties (or where filling out online is agreed to) will 

become the contractual agreement to proceed with the projection only.

The projection cost is $345.00 inclusive of GST.  We will send and discuss with you the projection results 

with a graph and table projection of what possibilities there are for you and the estimated time frame you could possibly become mortgage free.

To proceed for a projection to be done click onto 

the application form.


Payment can be paid by direct debited to life changers:02-0816-0105892-083 or via Pay Pal.

(The projection is a requirement and an initial stage for projecting the possibilities for the life changers programme.) 

Once a client has viewed the results of the projection, then chooses to proceed with the life changers programme, then and only then once the life changer programme terms and conditions are signed by all parties will a formulated plan be discussed of the client's 

situation and the possibilities thereof. This will be generated from the results of the projection from the client's information. Both sections must be signed or agreed to, to be able to proceed with life changers programme.

I/We understand I/We will be viewing the projection result only is not the full life changers programme. I/We fully understand I/We are not under any obligation to commit to proceeding with the life changers 

programme by having a projection done.


This projection does not advise on any area of legal, accounting or tax matters. This is the sole responsibility of the client/clients

The projection fee is non-refundable.

(A projection will commence once the projection fee has been receipted)

Disclaimer: life changers are Mortgage Development Coaches. We are not mortgage brokers, financial advisers, budget advisers. We work specifically to teach and coach our clients giving them information to understand facilities the banks have, to make these facilities work in the interest of the client and to the client's advantage.

Copyright life changers LTD 2018

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